August 31, 2011

The August Break #31

And so we come to the end of The August Break for 2011, and what a trip it has been. At the start of August I was struggling with my "lifeload" - work, assignments, committments, thoughts, worries etc.... were all starting to pile up. I love my blogging and I wanted to devote more time to it but I just didn't have the energy, or brain power. Enter The August Break! Thank you so much to Susannah for putting this month long event together. I achieved my goal of posting at least one photo each day and along the way I have chilled out a little in regards to my blogging! I'm now looking forward to using words again- and not feeling pressured to have the perfect thing to say when I set out to write a post.
Farewell The August Break - I will be back!


Tamara said...

Karen, quite enjoyed your posts in August - although I missed your words - the photos and headings were thought provoking in themselves. Welcome back to word blogging..... May Spring help to retain your new 'balance' too...

Karen said...

Hi T - If it wasn't for my allergies I would be loving spring right now!!